Reunion Stories 2025

Share Your #ReunionStory

You can help raise awareness about the importance of microchipping and keeping contact details up to date by sharing your story. 

You will also have the chance to win the 'Reunion Story of the year' prize.

Note: Winner will be announced January 2026.

Reunion Story of the Year 2025   |   Grand Prize

Grand Prize: Pet Masterpiece, 1-Month CARMA Rewards Club Membership, Lifetime V.I.Pet (Unlimited), SMART Tag  & RSOTY Trophy

Reunion Stories From C.A.R. Pet Owners (2025)

Whisper's story

Whisper went missing after getting out one May afternoon, we went to gaws to look for her, put her missing on our local Facebook page but nothing, scaled the local streets ,and nothing.

We gave up hope of ever getting her back. Then yesterday we go a call that she's been found more that 10 km away from home at an international school,we quickly went to get her and she's home safe adjusting really well.

- Linda
