Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

Last updated 22/05/2024
Privacy Policy
1. Introduction
This Policy applies to Central Animal Records Australia Pty Ltd (ACN 052 993 101) (referred to as ‘CAR’, ‘we’, ‘our’, ‘us’) and extends to and covers all of its operations and functions. The word ‘individual’ refers to all persons whose personal information we collect, use or disclose. All employees, contractors, sub-contractors, vendors, service providers, clients, agents or any other organisations that have access to or utilise personal information collected or held by CAR must abide by this Privacy Policy. CAR makes this Policy available free of charge and it can be downloaded from This Policy outlines CAR’s obligations to manage and protect personal information. CAR is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (‘APPs’), the Credit Reporting Privacy Code (‘the Code’) and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’). This Policy also outlines CAR’s practices, procedures and systems that ensure compliance with the Privacy Act, APPs and the Code, including procedures in relation to the following:
• use and disclosure of personal information (Section 9)
• sending information overseas (Section 11)
• management of personal information (Section 10)
• direct marketing (Section 11)
• correction of personal information (Section 14)
• access to personal information (Section 13)
• complaints handling (Section 17)
Terminology ‘Credit information’ includes information that we have obtained from Third Parties, including individuals, other credit providers and credit reporting bodies (‘CRBs’).
‘On-Line System’ means any electronic system or interface provided by CAR to its clients for the purpose of placing trading orders and payment management.
‘Personal information’ means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable.
‘Privacy Officer’ means the contact person within CAR for questions regarding CAR’s Privacy Policy. Contact details for the Privacy Officer can be found at the end of this Privacy Policy.
‘Sensitive information’ is a subset of personal information that includes information relating to a person’s racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion, trade union or other professional or trade association membership, sexual preferences, criminal record, and health information.
‘Third Parties’ means clients, suppliers, sub-contractors, agents or people having a commercial relationship with CAR.
2. What kinds of personal information do we collect and hold?
We may collect and hold the following kinds of personal information about individuals:
- name
- address
- phone numbers
- email addresses
- occupation
- bank account details
- photo (Only applies to clients with a V.I.Pet subscription who have chosen to upload a photo)
- identification information including drivers’ licence, Medicare and passport details
- any other information that is relevant to the services that we provide
3. How we collect personal information
We generally collect personal information directly from the individual. For example, your personal information will be collected when you register an animal with us, change your details with us via phone, email, website log-in, mobile/tablet app login or send us correspondence.
CAR also collects personal information from our web site ( when we receive online applications and emails, and when you use our On-Line System. We may also use Third Parties to analyse traffic at that web site, which may involve the use of cookies. Information collected through such analysis is anonymous.
CAR will not collect sensitive information unless the individual has consented or an exemption under the APPs applies. These exceptions include if the collection is required or authorised by law or necessary to take appropriate action in relation to suspected unlawful activity or serious misconduct.
If the personal information we request is not provided, we may not be able to process an individual’s animal subscription, or meet our legal obligation as a licensed animal microchip registry, or provide individuals with the benefit of our services, or meet an individual’s needs appropriately.
4. How we manage your personal information
We manage personal information using customer relationship management software. The data from this software program is stored securely in a client database in our own internal company servers and in our Cloud-based servers located in Australia. For more information about how we safeguard your personal information see section 12 below. If we hold personal information about an individual, and CAR no longer needs the information, we will take reasonable steps to de-identify the personal information. We will only keep your personal information for as long as we need your information for the purposes listed in sections 7 and 10 below, unless we are required by an Australian law or a court/tribunal order to retain the information. CAR does not give individuals the option of dealing with CAR anonymously, or under a pseudonym, because to do so would breach CAR’s obligations.
5. Unsolicited personal information
We may receive personal information about individuals we have not requested. If we receive unsolicited personal information, we will decide whether the information is reasonably necessary for our activities and could have been collected under the APPs. If we would not have been able to collect the information, we will destroy or de-identify the information.
6. About whom do we collect personal information?
We may collect and hold personal information about the following individuals: • current and potential clients; • service providers or suppliers; • prospective employees, employees and contractors; and • other Third Parties with whom we come into contact.
7. Why does CAR collect and hold personal information?
• CAR collects and holds personal information for the following purposes:
• to assist in providing services to our clients;
• to enable the reunion of owners/clients with their pets when the pets are found by authorised people and the general public • to provide clients with information about a product or service;
• to protect our business and other clients from fraudulent or unlawful activity;
• to conduct our business and perform other management and administration tasks;
• to consider any concerns or complaints clients may have;
• manage any legal actions involving CAR;
• to comply with relevant laws, regulations and other legal obligations; and
• to help us improve the products and services offered to clients, and to enhance our overall business.
8. How might we use and disclose personal information?
We ‘use’ personal information when we handle and manage that information within CAR. We ‘disclose’ personal information when we release that information from our effective control. CAR may use and disclose personal information (excluding credit information) for the primary purpose for which it is collected (reunion of lost or stray pets with their owners), for reasonably expected secondary purposes which are related to the primary purpose, and in other circumstances authorised by the Privacy Act or otherwise by law. For information on how we might use and disclose credit information, see section 10 below. Sensitive information will be used and disclosed only for the purpose for which it was provided or a directly related secondary purpose (unless the individual provides consent to use or disclose the information for another purpose), or where certain other limited circumstances apply (e.g. where required by law). We will only use government identifiers (e.g. passport and drivers licence details) if is reasonably necessary for us to identify the individual for the purposes of providing our services, or engaging in any of our other functions or activities. We will generally only use identifiers to comply with our legal obligations under animal management legislation to identify our clients. We use and disclose personal information, excluding credit information, for the purposes outlined in section 7 above.
Important Notice to Owner: The information listed on forms sent through to CAR is regarded as strictly confidential and only information necessary to enable the return of your missing pet or to assist Council pet registrations, will be released in accordance with Section 63H(2) of the Domestic Animals Act 1994, except where CAR is legally required provide the information. Statistical information may be supplied to other parties for purposes associated with animal welfare and/or management of domestic animals. In such circumstances CAR will provide the information in general format only and on assurance that the information will not be used for commercial purposes. I have read, understand and accept these conditions of data use, and have sought and obtained permission from the alternative contact to provide their contact details. The information provided on this form is true and correct and the person named as the owner is the legal owner of the animal.
9. To whom might we disclose personal information?
We may disclose personal information (excluding credit information) to:
• a related entity of CAR (another licensed animal microchip registry);
• an agent, contractor or service provider we engage to carry out our functions and activities, such as our lawyers, accountants, debt collectors or other advisors; • regulatory bodies, government agencies, law enforcement bodies and courts; and
• anyone to whom we are required and allowed by law to disclose it; and
• anyone else to whom the individual authorises us to disclose it. We also collect personal information from these organisations and individuals, and deal with that information in accordance with this Policy. We engage other people to perform services for us which may involve that person handling personal information we hold. In these situations, we prohibit that person from using personal information about the individual except for the specific purpose for which we supply it. We prohibit that person from using your information for the purposes of direct marketing their products or services. We will not disclose personal information to an overseas recipient unless:
• we have taken reasonable steps to ensure the recipient does not breach the Privacy Act, the APPs and the Code;
• the recipient is subject to a law, or binding scheme, that has the effect of protecting the information in a way that is substantially similar to the way the APPs protect the information; or
• we have obtained your informed consent to disclose the information prior to any disclosure
CAR Tags Note: Should a member of the public outside of Victoria contact Central Animal Records because they have found a lost pet with a CAR tag, the finders are able to quote this number so that we can contact the owner and pass on the finder's details. Your information will not be passed on to the finder under any circumstances. By purchasing a CAR Tag through our website, over the phone or using our form, you are implicitly accepting these terms.
SMART Tags Note: Should a member of the public outside of Victoria scan your pet's SMART tag, the finders are able to view your pet's name, profile picture (if applicable), breed, date of birth, sex, status and any other fields that can be added as part of the V.I.Pet subscription. The finder can then send their name and number directly to you. Your information will not be passed on to the finder under any circumstances. By purchasing a SMART Tag through our website, over the phone or using our form, you are implicitly accepting these terms.
10. Management and security of personal information
The APPs require us to take all reasonable steps to protect the security of personal information, including credit information. CAR personnel are required to respect the confidentiality of personal information and the privacy of individuals. CAR takes reasonable steps to protect personal information held from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, for example by use of physical security and restricted access to electronic records. All personal information contained in hard copy documents held by CAR is stored in a locked environment. All personal information stored on CAR’s computer system is backed up regularly and back-up copies are held in a secure location. All data is stored securely in our own internal company servers and our Cloud-based servers located in Australia. In relation to our client database and Web based application systems, we apply the following guidelines:
• data ownership is clearly defined within CAR, that is, each person who has access to personal information has the required level of access;
• the length and content of passwords are governed by our IT policy, and automatically enforced through our IT systems to ensure that they are of an appropriate length, and not likely to be easily guessed;
• we utilise procedures which change an employee’s access capabilities when he or she is assigned to a new position;
• employees have restricted access to sections of the system which include the marketing database and personnel files;
• unauthorised employees are barred from updating and editing personal information;
• certain fields are masked to bar unauthorised employees;
• all personal computers which contain personal information are secured, physically and electronically;
• CAR is committed to protecting the security of your personal information and we take all reasonable precautions to protect it from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Your personal information is stored on secure servers that have SSL Certificates issued by leading certificate authorities, and all Data transferred between You and the Service is encrypted. However, the Internet is not in itself a secure environment and we cannot give an absolute assurance that Your information will be secure at all times. Transmission of personal information over the Internet is at Your own risk and You should only enter, or instruct the entering of, personal information to the Service within a secure environment. We will advise You at the first reasonable opportunity upon discovering or being advised of a security breach where Your personal information is lost, stolen, accessed, used, disclosed, copied, modified, or disposed of by any unauthorised persons or in any unauthorised manner.
• print reporting of data containing personal information is limited Certificates
• CAR’s IT policy mandates destruction of personal information when it is no longer required, and provides procedures and controls for the disposal of confidential output and when confidential data is disseminated to authorised individuals; and
• all personal information contained on magnetic disks and cloud storage is overwritten when the information is no longer required. Hard drives containing personal information that is no longer required to be kept are removed from computers that are no longer in use and are physically destroyed.
11. Direct marketing
CAR does not use or disclose personal information we collect from individuals for the purpose of direct marketing unless:
• the personal information does not include sensitive information or credit information; and
• the individual would reasonably expect us to use or disclose the information for the purpose of direct marketing; and
• we provide a simple way of opting out of direct marketing; and
• the individual has not requested to opt out of receiving direct marketing from us. If the individual would not reasonably expect CAR to use or disclose their personal information for the purpose of direct marketing, CAR may still use or disclose the information (unless it is sensitive information or credit information) for the purpose of direct marketing if:
• either the individual has consented to the use or disclosure of the information for direct marketing or it is impracticable to obtain that consent; and
• CAR provides a simple way of opting out of direct marketing; and
• in each direct marketing communication, CAR includes a prominent statement that the individual may make a request to opt out of direct marketing or otherwise draws the individual’s attention to the fact that he or she may make such a request; and
• the individual has not already requested to opt-out of direct marketing from CAR.
We do not disclose personal information we collect to Third Parties for the purpose of allowing them to direct market their products and services.
We do not use or disclose sensitive information or credit information for direct marketing purposes. CAR notes that you have the right to request to opt out of direct marketing and we must give effect to the request within a reasonable period of time.
12. How do we keep personal information accurate and up-to-date?
CAR takes reasonable steps to ensure that the personal information including credit information it collects, uses and discloses is relevant, accurate, complete and up-to-date. We ensure that personal information is collected and recorded in a consistent format, and new information is promptly added to our client database. We may also remind you from time to time to update your personal information, or contact you to verify your personal information. We encourage individuals to use our website, mobile/tablet app or contact us in order to update any personal information we hold about them and their animals. If we correct information that has previously been disclosed to another entity, we will notify the other entity within a reasonable period of the correction. Where we are satisfied information is inaccurate, we will take reasonable steps to correct the information within 30 days, unless you agree otherwise. We do not charge individuals for correcting the information.
13. Access to your personal information
Subject to the exceptions set out in the Privacy Act, individuals may gain access to the personal information including credit information which CAR holds about them by contacting the CAR Privacy Officer. We will provide access within 30 days of your request. If we refuse to provide the information, we will provide reasons for the refusal and inform the individual of any exceptions relied upon under the Privacy Act. An individual’s request for access to his or her personal information will be dealt with by allowing the individual to look at his or her personal information at the offices of CAR or on-line through authorised access. We will require identity verification and specification of what information is required.
13.1 For what purpose is my personal information required and how long is the information kept.
According to the Domestic Animal Regulation of 2005 r.34 that is listed on the Department of Environment and Primary Industries HERE, a licenced animal microchip registry like Central Animal Records has to maintain all records relating to an animal for the lifetime of the animal or 30 years after the record was listed on the database – whichever is the greater. We do not routinely delete records after an animal is deceased but we alter the animal record to a status of “deceased”. Further, if we receive a written request from the listed owner stating that the pet has deceased and specifically wanting their details removed from the database, then both owner and animal records are made “inactive” such that neither record is able to be seen nor updated by any users including the original owner. If an owner has multiple pets listed on the database and Central Animal Records is notified that one of the pets has deceased then that pet will simply be listed as “deceased”. If that owner specifically requests that the details of the deceased pet be removed from the database then that pet’s record will be made “inactive”. The legislation is silent in relation to a requirement to delete owner records once an animal dies but the "inactive" flag on that record has the same net effect as a deletion.
14. Updates to this policy
This Policy will be reviewed from time to time to take account of new laws and technology, changes to our operations and practices and the changing business environment. Central Animal Records reserves the right to make changes to our privacy policy and terms of use without notice effective from the date listed on this page. We recommend reviewing our privacy policy and terms of use regularly.
15. Privacy training
All new employees must be provided with timely and appropriate access to CAR’s Privacy Policy. All employees must ensure that they understand privacy related issues, including CAR’s obligations under the Privacy Act, the APPs and the Code, that could adversely affect CAR’s position if not properly adhered to
16. Non-compliance and disciplinary actions
Any CAR employee or relevant Third Party that identifies, knows about or suspects a privacy breach must immediately report the matter to the Privacy Officer. Employees or other relevant Third Parties that contravene or do not comply with CAR’s Privacy Policy may be subject to disciplinary action.
17. Complaints handling
CAR has an effective complaints handling process in place to manage privacy-related complaints. All complaints will initially be handled and investigated internally. We will investigate your complaint promptly. We will try to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly. You can make a complaint to CAR about the treatment or handling of your personal information, including credit information, by lodging a complaint with the Privacy Officer.
18. Contractual arrangements with third parties
CAR must ensure that contractual arrangements with Third Parties adequately address privacy issues. CAR will make available a copy of this Privacy Policy and take reasonable steps to require Third Parties to comply with it when dealing with personal information provided by CAR.
19. Privacy audits
CAR will conduct periodic privacy audits in order to ensure that it is continuing to comply with its obligations under the Privacy Act, the Code and the APPs. CAR is also subject to periodic audits by the Victorian Government in relation to conditions associated with the holding of a licence to operate as an animal microchip registry within the State of Victoria.
20. Inquiries
If you have any questions about privacy-related issues, or if you believe that CAR has not protected your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy you may lodge a complaint with us in any of the following ways:
By telephoning: 03 9706 3187 By emailing:
By writing to: Privacy Officer Central Animal Records (Aust) Pty Ltd 22 Fiveways Boulevard Keysborough Vic 3173
21. What if I am not satisfied with the response? If you are not satisfied with the result of your complaint to CAR you can also refer your complaint to the Australian Information Commissioner.
You can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in the following ways: By visiting: By telephoning: 1300 363 992 By emailing: By writing to: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner GPO Box 5218 Sydney NSW 1042
Terms of Use (Central Animal Records Online Access & V.I.Pet)
1. What terms am I agreeing to by creating an online account with C.A.R?
There are several terms that you choose to accept by creating an online account with Central Animal Records. By having a pet listed with Central Animal Records, you have already explicitly agreed to, or have been made aware of the privacy policy above. The online terms of use are listed below.
(a) By creating an online account, you are confirming that you are either the current owner on the database or the new owner intending to transfer a pet into your name. If you are a third party, you should not be creating an online account on behalf of someone else regardless of your relationship to them.
(b) You must be 18 years or older to create an online account with Central Animal Records.
(c) The online access portal is designed to be used in Australia only. Central Animal Records is a National database and therefor, overseas pet owners should seek registration with their local databases.
(d) You are solely responsible for protecting your own account information, password and personal details. We do not recommend that you record these details where they are easily accessible.
(e) You are free to use any email address and mobile number for your online account but it is recommended that you use your own details. Anyone with access to the email address you choose, can reset your password and access your information, provided you already have an online account. Using someone else's information to create an online account does not give them any authority over the account, therefore, the confirmation or change of any details on the record can only be completed by the listed owner as per our privacy policy.
(f) The one time password exists to prevent unauthorised access to your account. It is your responsibility to ensure the one-time password is not given to third parties such as new owners, friends or family.
(g) Online access is for personal use. We have specialised access for vet clinics, councils and authorised welfare groups which must be applied for through the 'Create Account' page.
(h) By having a pet listed with Central Animal Records, you have already agreed to the privacy policy available at The privacy policy for the online access still applies.
(i) Central Animal Records does not accept any responsibility for breeches of privacy as a result of not abiding by the terms of use outlined above.
(j) Should you choose to initiate a transfer of ownership online, a $15.99 fee will apply. This is a processing fee and does not guarantee that the transfer will be approved by the current listed owner.
(k) Should an online transfer be declined, your processing fee cannot be reimbursed and you should seek legal advise in order to get the microchip transferred into your name.
(l) Transfer fees and registration fees are subject to change without notice.
2. What terms am I agreeing to by signing up for a V.I.Pet Subscription/CARMA Rewards Club?
There are several terms that you choose to accept by signing up for the V.I.Pet Subscription service with Central Animal Records. By signing up to V.I.Pet through our website, mobile/tablet app, over the phone with a CAR staff member or selecting to add V.I.Pet as an upgraded service using a CAR form , you have already explicitly agreed to, or have been made aware of the privacy policy above. In addition to the terms outlined in (1) Terms of Use specific to V.I.Pet are listed below.
(a) By signing up for a V.I.Pet Subscription, you are confirming that you are either the current owner on the database or the new owner intending to transfer a pet into your name. If you are a third party, you should not be creating an online account on behalf of someone else regardless of your relationship to them.
(b) You must be 18 years or older to sign up for V.I.Pet with Central Animal Records.
(c) V.I.Pet is designed to be used in Australia for owners with pets listed on Central Animal Records ONLY. Central Animal Records is a National animal microchip registry database and therefore, overseas pet owners should seek registration with their local databases. Pet Owners with pets on other Australian databases should visit our 'Switch to C.A.R.' page to find out more about changing databases.
(d) You are also responsible for protecting your own account information, password and personal details. We do not recommend that you record these details where they are easily accessible.
(e) You will have the ability to add a pet profile picture for any pets with V.I.Pet status. This image will be viewable by any of the parties outlined in (9) of our Privacy Policy. We do not recommend or support uploading an image of an animal that is not your pet.
(f) You will have the ability to add an owner profile picture for your owner profile. This image will be viewable by any of the parties outlined in (9) of our Privacy Policy. Vets and councils may use the image as verification that the correct owner is picking up from or bringing an animal to their facility if no other form of legal identification is available. For this reason, we do not recommend or support uploading an image of somebody else.
(g) Unless you have chosen otherwise, when you mark a pet with V.I.Pet status as missing, they will automatically be listed on the 'Lost Pets Dashboard' or 'Lost Pets Hub'. These pages are accessible by the public and will display your pet's name profile picture (if available), breed, sex and date of birth. Vets and councils with authorised access to Central Animal Records in your area (Municipality) will also be notified through their online logins. Active recovery services can be turned off at any time through your 'Manage V.I.Pet' tab.
(h) You will have the ability to create a missing poster using the 'Lost Pet Poster Studio'. Individuals may download this for physical or online distribution. Central Animal Records takes no responsibility for how you or third parties use this document and the information it contains. Should you opt for us to share your pet's missing poster on our Facebook page, it will be made publicly available and will include all of the information you have chosen to provide.
(i) You will be able to access our monthly newsletter through your online login. You will receive notification when new articles are published. Newsletter notifications can be turned off at any time through your 'Manage V.I.Pet' tab.
(j) You will have the ability to enter custom reminders through your online login. This can be used for the purpose of managing issues for your pets such as the timing of medication. The system requires the correct information to be entered and Central Animal Records will accept no responsibility for issues that arise as a result of incorrect information being entered into the system.
(k) ‘Medical condition’ is a field available for entry on your pet's profile. This information is viewable by any of the parties outlined in (9) of our Privacy Policy. We do not recommend entering any information regarding medical conditions that have not been confirmed by a vet and we do not take responsibility for how the information is used.
(l) You may receive 'Area-Based Alerts' from us through the notifications section of your account. This includes, but is not limited to, health risk alerts, reported thefts and weather alerts. While we strive to make pet owners aware of potential risks to animal health and welfare, we do not recommend that owners rely solely on these notifications.
(m) Discounts on all CAR products are available to pet owners with a V.I.Pet subscription. These discounts are applied online only. Should you decide to purchase any CAR products as part of a package using our forms, no discount will be applied.
(n) Discounts on CAR Partner products, will also be made available to you through your login. These will include a range of products and services with special offers attached. To receive these discounts, you will need to follow the link or enter a unique product code on the seller’s website. Any issues, questions or concerns regarding V.I.Pet partner products must be taken up directly with the seller.
(o) You will have the option to use our dedicated priority line for phone enquiries. Using this line will place your call in front of any clients using our standard CAR line. If we receive an influx of calls from V.I.Pet clients or if all staff are on other calls, there may still be short wait times. If this dedicated priority line is used by anyone who is not a V.I.Pet client, they will be put into the back of the queue. We therefore do not suggest sharing the V.I.Pet number with third parties.
(p) If your pet has a date of birth and weight entered, our system will automatically display their age in dog years or cat years. The output is not to be considered as medical advice as there are a variety of factors that can affect how long your pet lives and how active they are. If you are concerned about your pet's health, you should always seek advice from a qualified veterinarian.
(q) ‘Personality listing’ is a field available for entry on your pet's profile. This information is viewable by any of the parties outlined in (9) of our Privacy Policy. We recommend to try to be as accurate as possible when using this feature as third-parties may use the information to take extra precautions when caring for your pet.
(r) ‘Height’ and ‘Weight’ listings are fields available for entry on your pet's profile. This information is viewable by any of the parties outlined in (9) of our Privacy Policy. We recommend to try to be as accurate as possible when entering this information. The more frequently this is updated, the better you will be able to track your pet's metrics over time.
(s) The gold theme is automatically applied to your online system but can be turned off at any time through the 'Manage V.I.Pet' tab.
(t) V.I.Pet subscriptions can be applied to one or more of your pets depending on the subscription type which you choose. Purchasing V.I.Pet for a single pet does not cover all animals under your profile. Should you wish to upgrade or add a second subscription, you can do so through the 'Manage V.I.Pet' tab.
(u) Should you wish to cancel your V.I.Pet subscription, you may do so through the 'Manage V.I.Pet' tab at any time. You will not receive a refund. During the cancellation process, you will be given the option to either (i) Cancel V.I.Pet but leave all of the V.I.Pet features active until the end of your subscription period or (ii) Cancel V.I.Pet and stop all V.I.Pet features immediately.
(v) You will have the ability to change your subscription type at anytime to cover more or less pets. Should you choose to upgrade your subscription, you will be required to pay the full price for the new subscription and the 12 months will start from that same day. Should you choose to downgrade your subscription, you will not be required for the new subscription and you will keep the higher subscription type until the existing expiry. The lower subscription will apply after this point.
(w) If you transfer a pet to a new owner and the pet had a V.I.Pet status, this will not be transferred across and the 'Allocation' will remain available on your account.
(x) When you sign up to V.I.Pet we will not automatically apply the V.I.Pet status to your pets. For example: If you purchase a Breeder - V.I.Pet Subscription which covers 10 pets, you will receive 10 x V.I.Pet allocations. You must then apply the V.I.Pet status to your pets manually through the 'Manage V.I.Pet' tab.
(y) We will be adding new features and updates to the V.I.Pet service regularly and hence our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use are subject to change without notice.
(z) Any images or information added to Central Animal Records as part of the V.I.Pet subscription will be retained even if the subscription is cancelled. If you have no active subscription, these additional details and images will only be accessibly by CAR staff only.
2. Inquiries If you have any questions about terms of use, contact us in any of the following ways:
By telephoning: 03 9706 3187
By emailing:
By writing to: Terms of Use Officer Central Animal Records (Aust) Pty Ltd 22 Fiveways Boulevard Keysborough Vic 3173
CARMA Rewards Club
CARMA Rewards Club, or CRC, is a new Central Animal Records initiative that has been built on a dedicated platform which is accessed with existing Central Animal Records logins.
Users on Central Animal Records signing up to V.I.Pet or purchasing a COO/SUB package online may be assigned a free CRC 1-month trial (see T&Cs to confirm eligibility). Users can formally sign-up for CARMA Rewards Club membership via their Central Animal Records login on via
CARMA Rewards Club is a owned and operated by Central Animal Records and IS NOT a third party.
If you'd like to review the T&Cs/Privacy Policy specifically related to CARMA Rewards Club, click the link below.